Waarvoor zoek je hulp?
Expat behandeling bij Psycholoog Zeist
Wanneer je leeft en woont in het buitenland brengt dat veel uitdagingen met zich mee. Zo kun je geconfronteerd worden met problemen, die gerelateerd zijn aan leven in het buitenland. Maar ook met problemen, die niet rechtstreeks verband houden met je verblijf in het buitenland. Psycholoog Zeist kan je helpen om in je moedertaal de problemen op te lossen. Misschien heb je wel eens nagedacht over online therapie via videobellen. Online therapie is een uitstekende vorm van behandelen. De behandeling is net zo effectief als behandeling op locatie.
Auch Behandlungen in deutscher Sprache
Wenn Sie gerne in Ihrer Muttersprache kommunizieren, ich behandle auch in deutscher Sprache. Lesen Sie mehr...
Also therapy in English
When you prefer communicating in your native language, I also give treatments in English. Read more...
Coping with expat problems
Moving abroad is a big decision. Leaving your comfort zone and starting a life in a new country can be difficult. As even with the best intentions, things don't always go to plan. For example, losing friends is one of the biggest pitfalls of moving abroad. Therefore, it is very important to get advice or counseling when needed.
Expat parent and child
In general, children are supremely adaptable. Of course, it's easier to be an expat when your kids are very young. It gets more difficult to move abroad when they are older. Parenting is hard work, but when you are in a different country with a new language, a new school and cultural differences, it can be quite exhausting to keep your child(ren) happy and secure. A few sessions at Psycholoog Zeist can make your international move easier for you and your kid(s).
Treatment at Psychologist Zeist
In my work clinical experience and being paranormally gifted do strengthen each other. I am able to identify issues quickly and give you good handles for improvement, tools that suit your situation. Besides expat problems Psychologist Zeist also treats issues that are not directly related to being an expat, such as anxiety disorders, grief and loss, eating disorders, stress and burnout, depression, psychotrauma (PTSD), problems with being gifted, HSP, etc. In couples therapy I guide people to improve their relationship by solving relationship problems.
For more information about treatment of expats at Psychologist Zeist, please click treatment.